128-Channel MADI PCI Express Card

Connectivity and Features
The PCI Express card consequently uses all advantages of the MADI format, the professionals' multi-Channel audio interface, offering 64 channels of 24-bit audio at a sample rate of up to 48 kHz, 32 channels at up to 96 kHz and 16 channels at up to 192 kHz. Transmission is done via a single line, either coaxial with BNC plugs or by fiber cable. In both cases more than 100 m cable length can be achieved.
Compared with the HDSP MADI (Standard PCI version), the express card offers some new features: Support of higher sample rates than 96 kHz, more features in TotalMix (phase and internal loopback per channel, +6 dB gain for the hardware outputs), and the direct support of the Time Code Option. HDSPe MADI provides even lower latencies, making the card the perfect partner for live recording and live mixing applications. The analog monitor output is equipped with the low-latency converter technology of the ADI-8 QS, thus guaranteeing stunning SNR and THD values too.
HDSPe MADI is fully compatible to all devices with MADI interface. In combination with the ADI-648 an 8 x ADAT optical PC interface is realized, unbeatable in price and performance. With the ADI-6432 a bidirectional AES/EBU frontend with 64 channels is available.
On a powerful PC/Mac three HDSPe MADI can be used in a combination, providing 192 inputs and 192 outputs on a single workstation simultaneously.
HDSPe MADI offers full support for 56 and 64 channel modes and double and single wire technology (96k frame) for 96 kHz. Full 64 channel support can also be found in the hardware mixer TotalMix FX. All 64 inputs and 64 playback channels can be routed and mixed to 64 physical outputs completely freely, which translates to a 8192 channel mixer. With that, HDSPe MADI offers the most powerful router/mixer ever implemented on a PCI card, and allows much more than a usage as pure computer I/O unit:
- MADI optical patchbay and router
- MADI coaxial/optical or vice versa converter and splitter
- MADI redistributor, patchbay and router
- TotalMix can be completely remote controlled via MIDI. Furthermore, the hardware delivers RMS and peak level meters for full control over 192 audio channels at minimal CPU load.
While most MADI-based devices require an additional word clock or AES line, the Hammerfall DSP MADI (like the ADI-648) uses SteadyClock(TM) to extract the reference clock at lowest jitter directly from the MADI signal, making long-distance connections even more convenient. As usual with RME, HDSPe MADI offers further sensible features. For instance an analog 24-bit/96 kHz line/headphone output with 116 dB dynamic range for direct control of all input and output signals.
The included expansion board carries word clock I/O (BNC) and MIDI I/O. The word clock input is galvanically isolated via transformer and operates on both single and double speed signals automatically. MIDI I/O offers two completely independent MIDI inputs and outputs via breakout cable (4 DIN sockets). A virtual MIDI port allows for a direct transmission of MIDI data over MADI.
RME uses a configuration memory for the most important settings of the card. Instead of operating in a default mode on computer power-up until loading the driver, HDSPe MADI activates the last used sample rate, master/slave configuration and MADI format immediately when switched on. This eliminates disturbing noises and clock network problems during power-up or re-boot of the computer.
Included software:
DIGICheck for Windows: Spectral Analyser, professional level meter for 2, 8, or 64 channels, Vector Audio Scope, various other audio analysis tools. Drivers: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/64 (full ASIO multi-client operation of WDM, GSIF 2.0 and ASIO 2.0), Mac OS X Intel (Core Audio and Core MIDI). Thanks to RME's flash update technology, future firmware improvements, adjustments, and bugfixes can be installed easily at any time.
- 1-Lane PCI Express Endpoint device (no PCI Express to PCI Bridge), revision 1.1.
- 2.5 Gbps line speed
- Packet-based full-duplex communication (up to 500 MB/s transfer rate)
- All settings changeable in real-time
- Automatic and intelligent master/slave clock control
- Sync sources: MADI coaxial, MADI optical, word clock, internal
- Varipitch: by input signal or word clock
- Sample rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz, variable (Sync/word clock)
- Sample rate range: MADI: 32 kHz - 96 kHz, word clock: 27 kHz - 200 kHz
- Jitter: < 1 ns, internal and all inputs
- Jitter sensitivity: PLL operates even at 100 ns Jitter without problems
- Comes with DIGICheck: the ultimate measurement, analysis and test tool
- Input MADI optical, MADI coaxial (BNC), 2 x MIDI, word clock (BNC)
- Output MADI optical, MADI coaxial (BNC), 2 x MIDI, word clock (BNC), stereo analog line/phones
- Input word clock: BNC, Signal Adaptation Circuit (functional from 1.2 Vpp input signal), switchable termination
- Output word clock: BNC, low-impedance driver stage, 4 Vpp into 75 Ohms, short-circuit-proof
- MIDI input and output: via four 5-pin DIN jacks
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Updates HDSPe MADI to firmware version 33/210, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard to 20, RayDAT to 18/207, AES to 11/204, MADIface to 23, AIO to 14, AIO Pro to 23/108.
Now also includes the DriverKit firmware versions:
HDSPe MADI to firmware version 35/216, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard to 21, RayDAT to 20/210, AES to 13/207, MADIface to 24, AIO to 201, AIO Pro to 26/110.
Updates HDSPe MADI card to firmware version 33/210, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard card to 20, RayDAT to 18/207, AES to 11/204, MADIface to 23, AIO to 14, AIO Pro to 23. Windows XP SP2 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11. Supports all HDSPe cards/systems! Now also includes DriverKit compatible firmware versions.
Version 4.25, for macOS 11 and up. Supports Intel and Mx. See readme for installation notes.
Updates HDSPe MADI to firmware version 33/210, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard to 20, RayDAT to 18/207, AES to 11/204, MADIface to 23, AIO to 14, AIO Pro to 23/108.
Now also includes the DriverKit firmware versions:
HDSPe MADI to firmware version 35/216, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard to 21, RayDAT to 20/210, AES to 13/207, MADIface to 24, AIO to 201, AIO Pro to 26/110.
Supports 10.9 up to 10.15. See readme.txt for important notes! Version 4.17. Also supports HDSPe PCI Card and ExpressCard with Digiface, Multiface and RPM.
Mac OS X SL (10.6) Intel driver for HDSPe series (MADI, AES, RayDAT, AIO, MADIface, Multiface, Digiface, RPM). Supports 10.5 in 32 bit, 10.6 in 32 bit and 64 bit. See readme.txt for important notes!
Version 2.67. Supports DIGICheck. See readme.txt for important notes!
Updates HDSPe MADI card to firmware version 33/210, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard card to 20, RayDAT to 18/207, AES to 11/204, MADIface to 23, AIO to 14, AIO Pro to 23. Windows XP SP2 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11. Supports all HDSPe cards/systems! Now also includes DriverKit compatible firmware versions.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
Updates HDSPe MADI card to firmware version 33/210, HDSPe PCI and HDSPe ExpressCard card to 20, RayDAT to 18/207, AES to 11/204, MADIface to 23, AIO to 14, AIO Pro to 23. Windows XP SP2 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11. Supports all HDSPe cards/systems! Now also includes DriverKit compatible firmware versions.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.36. Windows XP SP3 / 7/8/10. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.50. Windows XP SP3 / 8/10/11, not Windows 7. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
WDM, WDM-KS and ASIO. Version 4.36. Windows XP SP3 / 7/8/10. Supports all HDSP and HDSPe cards/systems except HDSPe MADI FX.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 (2). This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX completely and copy the app into the Applications folder, overwriting the old file.
TotalMix Remote V 1.43 - App to remote control TotalMix FX via ethernet and WiFi from other devices with Mac OS 10.12 or up. Universal Binary, supports Intel and Mx. Please note: can not be run on the same computer where the host TotalMix FX is used. This download is not TotalMix FX, which is part of the driver installation.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows, 32 bit version. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into Windows\System32, overwriting the old file.
TotalMix Remote V 1.43 - Program to remote control TotalMix FX via ethernet and WiFi from other devices with Windows OS (PC, Tablet). Please note: can not be run on the same computer where the host TotalMix FX is used. This download is not TotalMix FX, which is part of the driver installation.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows x64.. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into C:\Prgram Files\RME\Fireface or \MADIface, overwriting the old file. If there is no such directory then you need to use the TotalMix FX 32 bit file.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows Arm 64 bit. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into C:\Prgram Files\RME\Fireface or \MADIface, overwriting the old file.
TotalMix FX V 1.98 for Windows x64.. This zip includes only TotalMix FX, to update TotalMix when using older drivers that come with an older TotalMix FX version.
Installation: Exit TotalMix FX (right click systray icon) and copy the new version into C:\Prgram Files\RME\Fireface or \MADIface, overwriting the old file. If there is no such directory then you need to use the TotalMix FX 32 bit file.
Universal binary, runs natively on Intel and Mx machines. DigiCheck NG V 0.92 requires macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or up.
EBU R-128 Meter. Surround Audio Scope with ITU weighting. Stereo / Multichannel / Global Level Meter, Spectral Analyser, Vector Audio Scope, Correlation Meter, Bit Statistic & Noise. In this version a display of plaback data is not possible via Core Audio, only via hardware level. Supports all cards of the HDSPe, FireWire and USB series. (09/14/2018).
Differences to v 4.53: EBU R-128 Meter. Surround Audio Scope with ITU weighting. Simultaneous usage of multiple cards in all functions. Displays fully configurable (e.g. channel selection). Multichannel Level Meter freely configurable. MMCSS for Vista. Many improvements on surface and internal operation. Supports all current interfaces plus DIGI 9636/52. DIGI32 series and DIGI96 series are no longer supported. (10/05/2020).
V596 adds compatibilty for HDSPe MADI FX and XT with DK firmware.
DigiCheck NG V 0.92 requires a Direct3D 12 capable graphics card and Windows 10 or up.
DigiCheck NG V 0.92 requires a Direct3D 12 capable graphics card and Windows 10 or up.
Stereo Level Meter, Multichannel Level Meter, Global Level Meter, Spectral Analyser, Vector Audio Scope, Correlation Meter, Totalyser, Bit Statistic & Noise, Global Record. ASIO support, multi-client operation, display of +dBFS levels, display of playback data, K-system, free reference/scale, third colour. New: Hardware Level Meter. RMS Slow and RLB weighting filter. Optional Correlator. Level meters vertical/horizontal. Presets with hotkeys. Support for Fireface 400, newer Fireface 800 drivers, HDSP series WDM driver. Record functionality Global Record. Compatible to HDSPe PCI and HDSPe MADI/MADIface
Stereo Level Meter, Multichannel Level Meter, Global Level Meter, Spectral Analyser, Vector Audio Scope, Correlation Meter, Totalyser, Bit Statistic & Noise, Global Record. ASIO support, multi-client operation, display of +dBFS levels, display of playback data, K-system, free reference/scale, third colour. New: Hardware Level Meter. RMS Slow and RLB weighting filter. Optional Correlator. Level meters vertical/horizontal. Presets with hotkeys. Support for Fireface 400, newer Fireface 800 drivers, HDSP series WDM driver. Record functionality Global Record. Compatible to HDSPe PCI and HDSPe MADI/MADIface